Back To School Head Lice Information
Most kids are back in school and sad that summer is now just a memory. Back to school season is also the season associated with something else: avoiding head lice! Or as we call it, lice education season. The more your kids are around other kids, the higher the chance of them getting head lice. You’ve probably heard a thing to two about lice before but if you haven’t had to deal with it, all you probably know is that they are contagious and you want nothing to do with them. We hope you don’t ever have to deal with head lice but if you do, it’s important to know what to do including how to treat them effectively and how to handle the situation. It’s also important for parents to know that lice are common, they don’t carry disease and we can effectively treat them with one treatment.
What can you do as a parent to try to avoid head lice or to treat them if your child is affected? We’re here to cover it all, from what head lice are, to how to get rid of them.
What Are Head Lice?
Head lice are tiny little parasitic bugs that live in the hair and feed off the human scalp for blood, which they need to survive. That’s why lice can’t live off the head for more than 24 hours. Head lice are not necessarily dangerous. However, they are a huge nuisance, they are incredibly contagious and you want to get them treated as soon as possible. Live lice lay eggs, called nits and they secrete a glue-like substance that cements them to hair strands, making it very difficult to remove them. When treating head lice, it’s important to remove every single nit or else they will hatch and a new infestation will occur. An infestation can last years if not properly treated because the eggs will just keep hatching and then the adult lice will lay eggs and so on. A head lice infestation is no reason to panic. Bring your family to our clinic for treatment and you can go on with your normal life. Seek treatment sooner rather than later.
Nothing To Do With Hygiene
Contrary to a belief that goes way back to ancient times, head lice have nothing to do with cleanliness or hygiene. We promise. So, you don’t need to beat yourself up about not bathing your children enough if they get lice.
How Did They Get Lice?
Children get lice through direct head-to-head contact such and touching heads during nap time, hugging, taking selfies or many other ways. They can also get them through sharing combs or brushes with someone who has an infestation. Any child can get lice. Lice don’t discriminate, they just want hair to attach to and blood to suck.
The Symptoms?
The most obvious symptom of head lice is an itchy scalp. Children who have lice also have a difficult time sleeping at night and may feel a moving sensation in the head. They might be irritable without a known reason and they may have red sores on the head or on the back of the neck.
How To Treat Them
In this day and age, lice have become super resistant to common, over0the-counter lice treatments. Because of this, the media coined the phrase “super lice” to describe lice that have mutated and evolved to withstand many chemicals that are supposed to kill lice. This makes lice treatment difficult and makes our treatment even more valuable. At our clinic, we treat lice with the AirAllé® — a revolutionary medical device that dehydrates lice and their eggs by blowing warm air through the hair. We can get rid of a lice infestation with just one treatment and it is medically proven. When it comes to lice, we are experts. Trust our lice treatment and you will not regret it. Call us today for a head check and possible treatment.