Is Coconut Oil An Effective Head Lice Treatment?
Coconut Oil
Finding head lice in your child’s hair usually consists of panic and frustration. We won’t judge you if there are also a few tears, whether it’s mom or child doing the crying. Once the initial freak-out stage has passed, the next step is figuring out how to treat it. What is the best option? You may have heard of coconut oil as a lice treatment. On its own, it isn’t very effective at all but mixed with anise spray, it outperformed over-the-counter lice treatments, according to a clinical trial by the Medical Entomology Centre. Out of 50 patients, 41% were cured using this combination, while only 23% were cured using permethrin lotion (over-the-counter). So, coconut oil, combined with anise spray is more effective than over-the-counter lice treatments, but still not as effective as our professional lice clinic treatments. Our AirAllé® is successful 99.2% of the time and our most recommended treatment option.
Coconut Oil Vs. Other Home Remedies
Coconut oil alone is about as equally unsuccessful as tea tree oil and mayonnaise. Don’t use them because they will be a waste of time and potentially harm your children with side-effects. However, coconut oil mixed with anise oil has a higher efficacy rate than both mayonnaise and tea tree oil. In addition, it isn’t as harmful as mayonnaise and tea tree oil. In fact, coconut oil contains some nutrients that are actually good for your hair, skin and scalp.
Even so, coconut oil mixed with anise spray is still unsuccessful much of the time. If you’re a particularly lucky person, you may want to take your chances, but most parents wouldn’t want to risk a treatment that only works 41% of the time. Especially when ourAirAllé treatment is effective 99.2% of the time. Our treatment is also one-and-done as well as completely safe. Every day, parents find reasons to choose our treatment over any other. Skip the hassle and the risk, give us a call for a head screening and treatment.