Famous People Get Lice Too
Famous People Get Lice Too
When we hear someone has head lice, what do we honestly think? Be careful how you judge others as lice are something anyone can pick up. Even famous people get lice! This common problem is not something for the faint of heart. It is also much more normal than people may realize. Don’t take my word for it. Here are some serious Hollywood stars who have dealt with the headache of lice.
Robert Pattinson is known as Edward Cullin, the heartthrob vampire in the hit movie series Twilight. Since that famous role helped him get his start in Hollywood he has had the opportunity to rise to fame with multiple movie productions and is currently among the highest bankable actors in Hollywood. In 2010, Forbes named him as one of the most powerful celebrities in the world. One of his most notable features is his long, thick brown hair that makes him stand out above other men. During a visit to talk show host Ellen Degeneres, Pattinson was sporting a newly shaved head. He revealed after dealing with a nasty battle of head lice he found it easier to just cut it all off. Fortunately for his fans, his hair did grow back. As for the rest of us, we can all look at celebrities a little differently knowing famous people get lice too making them more like us than we realized.
Jennifer Garner is a leading Hollywood lady who has been rocking the big screen for close to twenty years. Her most notable movies include Pearl Harbor, Catch me If you Can, and 13 Going on 30. She is also the mother of small children who just happened to bring home head lice. Before she realized there was even a problem the lice had spread to her and the entire family. This is the most common way for adults to catch lice. Children are much more susceptible to getting the initial infestation. They then bring it home to share with the rest of the family members. Jennifer talked about her ordeal on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. She recounts her experience with encountering other celebrities during this trial and trying not to be too obvious. Evidently, she wasn’t too embarrassed as she told her story to millions of people on late night television. Way to Go Jennifer!
Heidi Klum is a supermodel turned celebrity television star. She has hosted multiple reality television shows, starred in movies, been a spokeswoman in many commercials, and posed for numerous magazine ads. As the mother of four young children she openly admits to battling head lice herself, not once but twice! She recounts the experience to several social media outlets about the difficulty of finding the actual lice bug because it is much more miniscule than she realized. The CDC points out that combing through hair with a lice picking comb and even using a small magnifying glass are your best bets for discovering a live louse. They are creatures of darkness and will avoid direct light. They burrow into the scalp and hair strands to remain hidden. Carefully search through the scalp and remember, they are only the size of a sesame seed.
So you see, even famous people get lice! For more information on our Signature Lice Treatment visit AirAllé!